
COLTT 2013 Session List

Page history last edited by Molly Hepworth 11 years, 6 months ago


Last Name FName Organization Title Track
Asirvatham Margaret CU-Boulder Investigating Instructional Technologies to Enhance Self–Assessment of Student Learning Research Presentation
Bauer Marianne CSU OnlinePlus Smooth Synchronous Solutions: The Truth About Synchronous Learning Environments Research Presentation
Controlling Science Equipment in Teaching Labs Remotely with LabVIEW Demonstration
Bonham Andrew MSU Denver Avoiding Frankenstein’s Monster: Integrated Classrooms Without Tech Running Amok
Branan Daniel CCCS Developing a Model Network of Remote Web-Based Science Labs   Research Presentation
Buscarello Glenda CU-Boulder Millenials and Smart Devices in the Classroom   General Presentation 
Buxton Terry Regis Using Flipped Hybrid Strategies to Modify a Classroom Teaching Session Hands-On Workshop
Chandler Tracy Holly Front Range CC Increase Student Engagement in Asynchronous Online Discussions with a SNAPP! Demonstration
Chase Claire CU-Boulder Designing One Stop Shop for Sharing Teaching Resources
Research Presentation
Chillemi Travis CU-Boulder Connecting Clouds: Tips for Working (and Living) in the Cloud
Technology Round-Up
Cohen John CU Anschutz How To MOOC a Mini Med School
General Presentation
Connor Cody University of Wyoming Instructor Engagement: Building Trust with Innovative Technology Technology Round-Up
Cornwall Georgina Colorado Mountain College iPadz R Cool, But How Can I Use One for Skool   Technology Round-Up
Corral Janet CU Anschutz Ready to Rumble: Ethics of Learning Analytics Discussion
Dahl Barry D2L The Importance of Predictive Analytics in Education Exhibitor Demonstration
Dobrovolny Jackie Triple Play What is Your Brand as an Online Instructor 
Doucette Michelle CU Denver Create Interactive eBook Apps with InDesign and Digital Publishing Suite
Duncan Douglas CU-Boulder How Faculty Can Affect Student Texting, Distraction, Grades, and Attitudes
Earl Sandra D2L Using the Universal Design Features of D2L to Reach Different Learners Exhibitor Presentation
Edwards Michael CU Online Lectures and Absorb Activities: Strategies For The Digital Classroom General Presentation
Ellison Nicole Regis Jump In! Incorporating Apps and Tablets for Teaching and Learning
General Presentation
Erskine Michael MSU Denver Exploring the Use of Social Media in Higher Education General Presentation
Falk Monica CCCOnline Let’s Prepare Students for a Future with Supercomputing General Presentation
Finkelstein Noah CU-Boulder Noah Counter Noah: A Dialogue on Student Learning, Teaching, Technology, and Everything
Frese Julie Rockies Quality and Learning: How Meeting QM Standards Impacts Student Learning Research Presentation
Gammon Mark CU-Boulder Refresher Course: Not Into Twitter, Can We Change Your Mind Demonstration
Gammon Mark CU-Boulder Why, How, What: Practical Approaches for Twitter in Professional Development
Gasell Crystal CU Online Erasing the Blackboard and Painting on Canvas
General Presentation
Giddings Larry Pikes Peak CC Web Conferencing Applications for Online Classes and Online Tutoring Hands-On Workshop
Gilbert Douglas Rockies Using a Faculty MOOC to Collaboration on Scholarship and Research Research Presentation
Gleason Shaun CU Anschutz Evaluation of a Web-Based Authoring Tool in an Online Program Research Presentation
Grabham Bradley CU-Boulder Adobe Connect: Online Rooms, Classroom Meetings, and More!
Hands-On Workshop
Hastert Erica CCCOnline CCCOnline and D2L: MOOCs and LOOCs General Presentation
Homchick Kent CU Denver The Classroom Movie Mogul: Practical Uses of Camtasia Software Demonstration
Jones Sherry Arapahoe CC Digital Game-Based Learning MOOC (gMOOC) for Rhetoric and Composition General Presentation
Kelmer Susan CU-Boulder Acrobat Hands-On: I Didn't Know Adobe Could Do That! Hands-On Workshop
Kingsley Erin CU-Boulder The Digital Dossier: Combining Effective Digital Pedagogy and Scholarship
General Presentation
Knowles Mark CU-Boulder Anderson Language Technology Center: A Tree of a Thousand Blossoms General Presentation
Koptelov Anrey Sam Houston State University Developing Computer Games for Instructions
Hands-On Workshop
Kramer Howard CU-Boulder Integrating and Addressing Accessibility and Universal Design in Course Content Panel Presentation
Lewis Clayton CU-Boulder Creating an Accessible MOOC Technology Round-Up
Lewis  Jeff  YouSeeU Authentic Learning with YouSeeU Student Capture   Exhibitor Demonstration
Lindquist Thea CU-Boulder Conversations on Digital Humanities: Teaching, Research, and Support Discussion
Loats Jeff MSU Denver Just in Time Teaching: A 21st Century Learning Technique
General Presentation
Luchs Chris CCCOnline Dissecting a Game: Game Mechanics in a Multiplayer Game
Lyons David CU Online Course Modality is a Lie! Discussion
Matheny Grant CU-Boulder Minecraft Your Classroom: Transforming Teaching and Learning through Gaming Discussion
McAndrew Amanda CU-Boulder Go Hybrid: Sustainable Course Design General Presentation
Menzies April Front Range Embedding Success General Presentation
Miller Josh 3Play Media Using Captions to Develop a Searchable Video Library Exhibitor Presentation
Moon Russell CU-Boulder Emerging Academic Technologies in the Language Learning Classroom General Presentation
Moriyama Jacie CU-Boulder Incorporating Technologies into Your Teaching to Increase Whole Class Participation General Presentation
Novak Kae Front Range Game the MOOC! Lessons Learned from Designing a MOOC
Parés Armando CU-Boulder I'm Tired: Lessons from a Year of Hybrid Classes Discussion
Paul David CU Anschutz Chromebooks in the Classroom
General Presentation
Paul David CU Anschutz Lecture Capture in Action at CU Anschutz Exhibitor Demonstration
Pavicich Cory CU-Boulder Develop Visually Compelling Classroom Professional Presence Using the Power of Google Sites
General Presentation
Pavicich Cory CU-Boulder Google Demo Slam
Technology Round-Up
Powell Albert CSU Seven Deadly Sins Of Lecture Capture General Presentation
Rickels David CU-Boulder Using Mobile Devices to Create Rich Experiences Beyond the Classroom
Saltarelli Andrew CU-Boulder Effects of Virtual Labs and Cooperative Learning in Anatomy Instruction   Research Presentation
Schwartz Lisa CU-Boulder Leveraging K-8 Youths’ Interests and Digital Media for Connected Learning
General Presentation
Sieber Diane CU-Boulder Hybrid Courses: Google Plus for Mobile, Socially-Networked Student Learning Beyond the Classroom Research Presentation
Simon Edwige CU-Boulder A Model of Teaching: Flip Your Classroom!
Hands-On Workshop
Slavitz Ellen Regis Critical Thinking About Technology: Who Pays and Who Profits General Presentation
Swanson Joel CU-Boulder Information Design for the Sciences: Pitfalls, Solutions and Best Practices
General Presentation
Thomas David CU Online Winning Higher the Ed Game: Technology Edition
General Presentation
Trudeau Scott Adobe Inc. Adobe Acrobat: From ePortfolios to Electronic Forms Exhibitor Hands-On Workshop
Trudeau Scott Adobe Inc. Building Innovative iPad Presentations with Adobe InDesign
Exhibitor Presentation
Trudeau Scott Adobe Inc. Image-Video Editing with the Latest Version of Photoshop Exhibitor Hands-On Workshop
Weber Robin UNC Navigating the Maze of Tech Tools Discussion
Werner Mark CU-Boulder Online Textbooks: Translating or Transforming Media
Research Presentation
Zeiler Kevin MSU Denver Managing Student Internships: Incorporating Ethics and Professionalism via Electronic Delivery Poster Session


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